The St. Joseph Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The chapel is accessible from our worship space during open hours.
For after hours access, use the form below.
O come let us adore Him!
We'll reach back out to you with instructions for how to access the chapel after hours.
I can't commit to an hour a week, but will fill in for others.
1. Devotions are popular prayers which worship God and bring us into a particular mystery of the faith.. They include: Rosaries, Novenas, Litanies, Chaplet of Divine Mercy
2. Spiritual Reading are books to help and inspire us as we learn more about and grow in our Catholic faith. Many books will teach you how to pray or learn more about the lives of the saints.
You don't have to be a Scripture scholar to pray with Scripture. The Church teaches a method called Lectio Divina, latin for Divine Reading.
This type of prayer is an intimate dialogue with God who wants to speak to YOU as you read Scripture.
To do this you: Read, Reflect, Respond, and Rest in God's word. (See the link below.)
Start with one of the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke or John and read one of the stories about Jesus life. God has something for you!