Commissioning of Catechists

Sep 18 10:00AM

Dear Catechists, Teachers, and Youth Ministry Core Members,

I would like to personally invite you to attend our upcoming commissioning of catechists on Sunday, September 18, 2022 at the 10am Mass.

During this Mass, you will be called forward to receive a blessing and to be commissioned for the vital work of conveying the faith

Why be commissioned?

Catechesis, or teaching the faith, which you do with great devotion, is a vocation. It is a call of the Holy Spirit in one’s life to say “yes” to this indispensable mission of our Church. By answering this call, you are responding to God’s call to holiness and of sharing the Good News. You witness how Jesus continues to make a difference in your life and the lives of those in your midst. And we want to honor you for this.

This year’s catechetical theme.

The bishops of our Church chose; "This is my body given for you." Luke 22:19. I find this very fitting knowing that you have navigated through an unprecedented few years and as our Church enters into a time of Eucharistic Revival in which the Lord desires to make all things new. I pray many of you join us at Mass to experience Jesus’ desire to draw nearer and love us unconditionally.

Thank you.

The fruits of your labor are often not immediately seen. Please trust that God is using your efforts in ways visible to Him and perhaps invisible to you. I once heard this analogy; we plant seeds of faith and the Lord assures us that they are watered…weeks, months, even years down the road. His timing is perfect and He is always at work. I would not be the priest I am today without those just like you whose word and response were, “Yes.”

I look forward to celebrating this year in a variety of ways, all the seeds you’ve planted and the abundance that has grown because of you bringing many to Jesus. Please join us after Mass for coffee and donuts in the social hall.

Thank you and may God bless your ministry powerfully this year!

In His grace and love,

Msgr. Todd Lajiness