Feed the Homeless

Nov 2 6:00PM

We again have the privilege to "Feed the Homeless" who will be guests of our fellow Christians at First United Methodist Church (FUMC), 45201 North Territorial Road, at 6:00 PM on Thursday, November 2nd. We will be serving: Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Chicken Gravy, Candied Yams, Fresh Fruit Salad, Green Beans, Large Dinner Rolls, Sweet Potato & Other Pies and Cookies.

How can you help? By donating food and/or volunteering at FUMC to set-up, serve, enjoy fellowship and clean-up. Food donations must be cooked/prepared and delivered in disposable, non-returnable containers and dropped off at FUMC on the night of November 2nd between 5:30 and 5:45 PM. Volunteers need to arrive at FUMC at 5:00 PM.